Tag 南美洲

Dive into the wonders of South America! From trekking through Patagonia’s breathtaking landscapes to exploring the Andes in Peru and experiencing vibrant cultures in Argentina and Chile, this collection highlights our hiking, travel, and outdoor adventures across the continent. Discover multi-day treks, day hikes, and travel tips for an unforgettable journey.

Salkantay Trek 走入马丘比丘 Day 1 – 雪山和冰湖

Salkanty trek to Machu Picchu
Salkantay Trek 第一天 – 最艰难也是最壮丽的启程! 清晨 4:20 出发,我们踏上 Salkantay 徒步之旅,挑战 15 公里陡升,攀登至 4620 米 Salkantay Pass!🏔️ 高海拔难度+震撼冰川景观,沿途美食不断,但第一顿午饭可不能吃太多,否则翻越山口会后悔!😆 这趟旅程的艰辛与美景并存,值得每一步的坚持! 点击查看完整徒步日记。